Statement by Heather Adams, District Attorney regarding the Current Clerk of Courts.
"The lack of cooperation and transparency from the Clerk of Courts has prevented me from assessing whether this situation is a Clerk of Courts issue, an AOPC issue, or a PennDOT issue. To put it bluntly, how can I, or the public, have any confidence that all mistakes from this year have been identified and corrected, when the Clerk of Courts has failed to demonstrate that a thorough search was completed and failed to acknowledge the correct number of cases missed?
…The bottom line is I am not confident that convictions in 2022 have been properly reported."
​The current Clerk of Courts failed to file paperwork to suspend licenses of those convicted of DUIs as required by law. In fact, one of those people, whose license was supposed to have been suspended, actually went on to kill an innocent victim in a traffic accident. It should never have happened. This is not only tragic, but opens the office up to litigation, and opens the Republican party up to charges of incompetence.
​The Clerk of Courts office is hemorrhaging experienced staff because of a reported current toxic work environment. In the current Clerk's first year (2022), the turnover rate in the office was 81.3%​. ​
​The current Clerk of Courts also committed an accident on the courthouse parking garage ramp and failed to report it to either the county or the Lancaster City Police Department. The media reports of this incident were an embarrassment to the Republican Party. When asked at the Hempfield straw poll if she would pay the $16,000 worth of damage she caused if her insurance does not pay for it, she said NO, meaning the tax payers of Lancaster County will have to foot the bill.
Political Vulnerability for the Republican Party
It is vital for the courts, police, crime victims, and citizens of Lancaster County that we restore the Clerk of Courts office to an effective, efficient organization. Failing to do so would mean a continued political vulnerability for our Republican team and the potential of electing a Democrat to this county-wide office. We cannot allow that.
The Clerk of Courts office was long known for efficiency and effectiveness in the past. Nicky personally experienced that efficiency as a member of the criminal justice system, and knows that the office previously passed state audits with outstanding results. She can work with the rest of the County team to quickly restore that reputation and to protect our community. Together we can show that the Republican party continues to believe in good government. As a long time, team player Nicky will be able to rebuild relationships both within the office and outside of it.
Nicky has the energy and willingness to be an effective Clerk of Courts. She also has all of the skills necessary to effectively and efficiently maintain accurate criminal records for both the courts and citizens of Lancaster County. She knows what the office does. She understands the criminal justice system. And she shares your conservative values. Together, we can again give the citizens of Lancaster County what they expect from our Elected Officials:
Good, Effective, Efficient, Conservative Government.